Local MSP Christina McKelvie has welcomed a new report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) revealing that progress out of poverty is more likely in Scotland or Northern Ireland than in the rest of the UK.

The JRF reported that “for someone with the same life circumstances such as qualifications, wage, and family type, progress out of poverty is more likely if they live in Scotland or Northern Ireland than the rest of the UK, and least likely if they live in London or the North East.”

The report also attributes lower poverty rates in Scotland – compared to England and Wales - to “lower rents in the social housing sector as well as Scotland having a higher proportion of social rented properties”.

Christina McKelvie, MSP for Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse has said this report shows that action taken by the Scottish Government, such as building 87,000 affordable homes since 2007 – almost 60,000 of which were for social rent - and introducing vital child poverty legislation is making a real impact on tackling poverty despite UK wide Tory austerity cuts to the welfare system.

Progress out of poverty.png

Christina said:

‘’ This report shows that the fantastic work carried out by the Scottish Government is delivering results and is contributing to the progress out of poverty.

‘’The reports highlights the need for a stronger benefits system and much more widely available low cost housing

These are policies which the Scottish Government has been striving towards. Just one example would be since 2007 the Scottish Government has built 87,000 affordable homes and this is having a positive impact as the report says the progress out of poverty is more likely in Scotland and Northern Ireland.’’