Christina McKelvie MSP has welcomed the news that the reported number of permanent teacher vacancies has dropped in the last year.

In South Lanarkshire, there are 21 fewer permanent vacancies than last year.  This included a drop of 4 primary school vacancies and a whopping 17 secondary school vacancies. 

Each year, the number of teacher vacancies in primary and secondary posts is reported by local authorities as part of the range of information which informs teacher workforce planning.

Across Scotland, local councils have advertised 224 fewer permanent teacher vacancies for primary and secondary schools combined compared to the same time last year.Teacher Vacancies.png

Christina said:

“This is encouraging news.  Not just for my the people living in Hamilton, but across Scotland Primary teacher vacancies have more than halved compared to last year and Secondary vacancies are at their lowest level since 2016.

“The Scottish Government has worked tirelessly to promote the benefits of a career in teaching.  These figures suggest that this approach is working. 

“Under the SNP, teachers were given the best pay deal of any of the United Kingdom countries – with additional measures that are aimed at addressing workload and wellbeing.  We are ensuring that our teachers have the support they need to deliver for their pupils. 

“Despite a decade of Tory austerity, this SNP Government continues to invest in our education system and invest in our teachers. 

“They are the custodians of our education system and it is vital that we continue to value them.”