About Christina McKelvie MSP
Christina McKelvie was elected as an SNP MSP for Central Scotland in 2007 and has since been re-elected in 2011, 2016, and 2021 to represent the Hamilton, Larkhall, and Stonehouse constituency. She became the Minister for Older People and Equalities in the Scottish Government on June 2018 and before this was Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee (EHRIC).
Christina currently holds the role of Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy.
An active member of the SNP for many years before being elected, Christina has a wide range of political interests including children and young people, employment, community empowerment and regeneration, human rights and international development.
Born in Glasgow in 1968 and raised in Easterhouse, Christina worked as a Learning and Development Officer for Glasgow City Council’s social work services before entering the Scottish Parliament. A committed trade unionist, she also served as the convenor of the SNP’s backbench parliamentary trade union group.
Christina is a mother of two sons, with personal interests in reading, painting, and hill walking.

I was delighted when Winnie Ewing, the former MP for Hamilton, agreed to officially open my new constituency office in 2011. She was a great personal inspiration to me as a politician and an important link with the history of my constituency.
Christina McKelvie MSP